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Why entrepreneurs drop out? 10 famous COLLEGE DROPOUT


Hosei Business School I study has a class for entrepreneurs.

In the class, guest entrepreneurs give us a talk in regard to their business experiments and their own history.


Last week, the entrepreneur was Masatoshi Kumagai who founded GMO Internet Group and serves as the Chief Executive Officer.

GMO Internet Group’ sales 800 million(US dollar ) for last year.  Their 937億400万円 businesses are internet domain, server and FX.


The class 2 weeks ago, guest entrepreneur was Masatoshi Taura who founded DigiON Inc.

The class 3 weeks ago, guest entrepreneur was Yoichiro Hirano who founded Infoteria Inc. 


Actually, all three guest entrepreneur were College Dropout.

But they are all successful entrepreneurs.

Why entrepreneurs drop out from college?


Ten famous entrepreneurs in the world


1. Steve Jobs/ co-founder of Apple Inc. Pixar Animation Studios

Steave Jobs

Dropout of Reed College.

Today’s modern inventions, iPhone, Mac, iPad are only due to this great person.


He mentioned  [If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do.] at Stanford University Commencement.


2. Mark Zuckerberg/ co-founder of Facebook


Dropout of Harvard University.

The youngest billionaire in the world with a net worth of more than $ 6 billion.

Facebook has also become one of the most commonly used social networking website over the world.


3. Aaron Levie/ co-founder of the cloud storage company Box


Dropout of California University.

Co-founder and CEO of the enterprise cloud company Box.

Box is used by more than 11 million individuals and 120,000 businesses worldwide.


4. Michael Dell/ founder of DELL


Dropout of University of Texas at Austin

CEO of DELL, the third largest Personal Computer Company.

BTO business model was really innovative when he started business.


5. Bill Gates / co-founder of Microsoft

bill gates

Dropout of Harvard University.

Invented Windows OS and Richest man in the world.

Known as “Harvard’s most successful dropout”


6. Larry Ellison/  co-founder of Oracle Corporation

Lawrence Ellison

Dropout of University of Illinois and Dropout of University of Chicago.

The co-founder and chairman of Oracle Corporation, an enterprise software company

Ellison has long been a fan of Japanese culture. He owns Japanese architecture and 500 pieces of Japanese art.

7. Matt Mullenweg / Developer of WordPress , founder of Automattic Inc.


Dropout of University of Houston.

He is best known for developing the open source web software WordPress.

This website is also managed by WordPress.


8.Arash Ferdowsi / co-founder of Dropbox


Dropout of MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Co-founder and CTO  of Dropbox.

The number of Dropbox user is over 200 million in 2014.

9.Zach Sims / co-founder of Codecademy

Zach Sims

Drop out of Columbia University.

Codecademy is an online interactive platform that offers free coding classes.


10.Steve Wozniak / co-founder Apple Inc.


Dropout of UC Berkeley.

Wozniak designed both the Apple I and Apple II computers

He is talented engineer, founded Apple Computer with Steve Jobs.

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