Tokyo Designers Week 2014, JINS MEME and Pyra Part.2
JINS MEME is new wearable devices from JINS which is famous glasses company.
JINS MEME can check your physical condition in real time.
Wearing JINS MEME during running or walking can provide at-a-glance information, including calories burned, speed, and posture.
They look like normal glassed not like Google Glass.
Check more info here.
4. Pyra
Pyra is Social Platform, especially for Creators.
This service is similar to Chatwork but it contains more and efficient functions.
Unlimited uploading, Searching Creators who can join a project and if you invite new member to group chat, you can hide the message history to new member, and you can cut off one message to show new members.
All services are free for now.
Pyra is from the word Pirates, so the home is called Harbor and member is called clue.
I heard this service is created in Korea.
Check more info here.
Those 4 products are especially incredible for me.
But there were much more great ideas and designs there.
You can check it out by yourself!
It’s open until November 3.
[Extra Photo]
tell a lie for starting communication
Tokyo Designers Week 2014 Official Website
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